HP printers offer hassle-free operation. But it's also common to encounter issues. Users frequently notice their HP printer offline. This issue can result because of various big and small reasons. But as it is common, you must be equipped with the right troubleshooting.

The problem indicates a disruption in the communication between your printer and PC. Read this post to learn how to establish this communication and start using your device as usual.
How Do I Get My HP Printer Back Online?
Before using the troubleshooting below, unplug and restart the HP printer. If it still doesn't work, use these measures.
Make your HP printer the default printer.
Your HP printer needs to be the default printer if you want it to take commands from your PC. Hit the Windows' Start' button, and choose the 'Settings' option. Here, select 'Bluetooth & Devices' followed by 'Printers & Scanners.' Choose your HP printer and tap the 'Set as default' option. In case you cannot view it, select the 'Let Windows manage my default printer' option.
Fix the spooler settings of the printer
If you find that your HP printer keeps going offline, examine its spooler settings. To do so, follow these pointers.
Launch the 'Run' dialog box and input 'services.msc' on it.
Then tap 'OK.'
From the items list, find and choose the 'Print spooler' option.
Right-tap on it, and choose 'Stop.'
It will halt the print spooler services.
Now tap the Windows File Explorer address bar, and input 'C: \Windows\System32\Spool\Printer.'
Now tap 'OK.'
Clear the printing queue by removing every file from the folder of 'Printer.’
Return to the print spooler and right-tap on it.
Choose the 'Start' option to begin the spooler service again.
Finally, start your system again. You won't find yourself complaining 'my HP printer is offline' now.
Reinstall the printer
Try removing and reinstalling your HP printer if you don't find the resolutions above effective. Use these steps for this measure.
Go to the 'Settings' section using the 'Start' button.
Choose 'Bluetooth & Devices.'
From here, go to 'Printers & Scanners.'
Choose the problematic HP printer and opt for the 'Remove' option.
Select 'Yes' to confirm.
Now your printer has been removed.
Reinstall it by going to the 'Settings' section again.
From here, navigate to 'Bluetooth & Devices.'
Next, go to 'Printers & Scanners.'
Check that you have switched on the HP printing device.
It must also be linked properly to the internet.
Now, select the 'Add a printer or scanner' option.
Choose 'Add device.'
Now, use the instructions to add your HP printer.
Check if the printer still shows an offline status.
Summing up
Some HP printer problems are more common than others. But most of them can be fixed easily. Use these measures to fix the HP printer offline issue and start printing your documents. If you need more assistance or guidance, contact a printer technical support service.